Flowers of the Garden by Christine Nicholls Chrissie Nicholls - FLowers close up.jpeg

Flowers of the Garden by Christine Nicholls

Beatrice Searle-26C_exhibits_9.jpg Beatrice_Searle.jpg

Call for more hands by Beatrice Searle

Maia Gffney Hyde26C_exhibits_7.jpg Maia_Gaffney-Hyde.jpg

At dawn by Maia Gaffney-Hyde

Always becoming everything by Cherrell Avery

Always becoming everything by Cherrell Avery

Human.Kind by Lisi Ashbridge

Human.Kind by Lisi Ashbridge

Three Decades by Kelvyn Smith

Three Decades by Kelvyn Smith

Errol Donald 26C_exhibits_8.jpg Errol_Donald_1.jpg
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Dulce de Lechosa by Errol Donald

26C_exhibits_4.jpg Sue_Hufton.jpeg

Declarations on Our Kind by Sue Hufton


Self care hack by Annet Stirling

Rachel Butler 26C_exhibits_3.jpg Rachel_Butler.jpg

My Body’s Seasons by Rachel Butler

26C_exhibits_5.jpg John_Neilson.jpg

Beyond all this by John Neilson

Teachings from mother tree by Jim Sutherland Jim_Sutherland.jpg
Sold Out

Teachings from mother tree by Jim Sutherland

Amo, Ergo, Sum by Celia Kilner Amo 2.jpg

Amo, Ergo, Sum by Celia Kilner

Euplutus by Gordon Hayes

Euplutus by Gordon Hayes

An Immaculate House is a Sign of a Wasted Life by Eric Marland

An Immaculate House is a Sign of a Wasted Life by Eric Marland

God made the sea ... by Eric Marland

God made the sea ... by Eric Marland

Vocatus ... by Eric Marland

Vocatus ... by Eric Marland

Nerine_detail.jpg Nerines_white.jpg

Nerines by Maia Gaffney- Hyde

‘Ice’ by Maia Gaffney- Hyde Ice_detail.jpg

‘Ice’ by Maia Gaffney- Hyde

Fragment of ‘The Dream of the Rood by Maia Gaffney Hyde Fragent of 'the Dream of the Rood'_detail.jpg

Fragment of ‘The Dream of the Rood by Maia Gaffney Hyde

Torc by Maia Gaffney-Hyde torc_detail.jpg

Torc by Maia Gaffney-Hyde

S.jpg S_detail.jpg

‘S’ by Maia Gaffney-Hyde

Turtle Dove by Mathew Roman Kopinski 0.jpg

Turtle Dove by Mathew Roman Kopinski

Net of Gold By Peter Furlonger

Net of Gold By Peter Furlonger

PHOTO-2022-11-04-16-18-53 (3).jpg PHOTO-2022-11-04-16-18-54 (1).jpg

Into the silence..' T S Eliot four quartets - Studio glass by Carl Dordbruch hand gilded by Peter Furlonger

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Beauty is truth, truth is beauty Keats - Peter Furlonger

Rarely, rarely, com'st thou spirit of delight  by Peter Furlonger 0d7729b4-a5b1-4a1a-9592-6c8aa6b7bb65.JPG

Rarely, rarely, com'st thou spirit of delight by Peter Furlonger

The tree shall be known by its fruit  by Peter Furlonger PHOTO-2022-11-04-16-18-53.jpg

The tree shall be known by its fruit by Peter Furlonger

In Vino Veritas,  by Peter Furlonger PHOTO-2022-11-04-16-18-53 (2).jpg

In Vino Veritas, by Peter Furlonger

In Vino Veritas hand gilded  by Peter Furlonger splash goblet 1.jpeg

In Vino Veritas hand gilded by Peter Furlonger

Cantemus, Song charms the senses, by Peter Furlonger crystal goblet 1.jpeg

Cantemus, Song charms the senses, by Peter Furlonger

The still point of the turning world - studio glass by Jill Ellisworth hand gilded by Peter Furlonger PHOTO-2022-11-04-16-18-50.jpg

The still point of the turning world - studio glass by Jill Ellisworth hand gilded by Peter Furlonger

2BE6A280-1879-4544-9532-F7C79D8DCDF7.jpeg C8E7CCBC-DF5B-42DD-9CDF-A31EFD3D436C.jpeg

We are the music makers - Peter Furlonger

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Gloria Mundi Tennyson - Peter Furlonger

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Ruckert Lieder Mahler - Peter Furlonger

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In Vino Veritas - Peter Furlonger

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Nets of Gold Louis McNiece - Peter Furlonger

Mark Brooks. Photo by Max Milligan.jpg MarkBrooks_chocolate_in_situ.jpg

Divine Chocolate by Mark Brooks

S - Robbie Schneider.jpg

S by Robbie Schneider

Drinking Wine by Martin Cook.jpg Drink wine.jpg

Enjoy Life by Martin Cook

Baskerville Matt.jpg Baskerville 3.jpg
Sold Out

Baskerville Alphabet by Matt Loughlin

Journey pebbles - nia bennet.jpg Journey pebbles2 - nia bennet.jpg

Journey Pebbles by Nia Bennet

Nia Bennett pebbles .jpg

Enso Pebbles by Nia Bennet

Lily Marsh - Compass.jpg

Compass by Lily Marsh

Lily Marsh sissors.jpg

Scissors by Lily Marsh

DOTO - Giving safe voyage or generous catch by Lily Marsh Doto by Lily Marsh  Nereid of a generous catch and safe voyage.jpg

DOTO - Giving safe voyage or generous catch by Lily Marsh

Doris by Charlotte Howarth.jpg

Doris of the sea's bounty by Charlotte Howarth

Thoe by Jane Raven.jpg

Thoe - Nereid of the swift voyage or moving waves by Jane Raven

Dexamene by Matt Loughlin.jpg
Sold Out

DEXAMENE Nereid of the strength of the right hand by Matt Loughlin

Autonoe by Nina Bilbey.jpg

AUTONOE Nereid of the single mind by Nina Bilbey

See by Lisi Ashbridge

See by Lisi Ashbridge

Spring rain by Nia Bennett

Spring rain by Nia Bennett

Rookie by Valentina Casali

Rookie by Valentina Casali

Chop & Chase by Jo Crossland

Chop & Chase by Jo Crossland

Repeat Repeat by Jo Crossland

Repeat Repeat by Jo Crossland

Umbra by Alicia Marquez

Umbra by Alicia Marquez

Sweet Tooth by Alicia Marquez

Sweet Tooth by Alicia Marquez

Luna by Alicia Marquez

Luna by Alicia Marquez

Before Long by Lily Marsh

Before Long by Lily Marsh

Apples, by Maya Martin

Apples, by Maya Martin

Persevere, by Scott Methven

Persevere, by Scott Methven

Sunrise, by Jackie Perkins

Sunrise, by Jackie Perkins

On A Knife Edge by Tim Royall

On A Knife Edge by Tim Royall

If you want to go fast .. by Tanja Bolenz

If you want to go fast .. by Tanja Bolenz

Peace 'Bee' with you

Peace 'Bee' with you

Earth Laughs in Flowers by Tanja Bolenz

Earth Laughs in Flowers by Tanja Bolenz

Moth to the Flame, by Zoe Singleton

Moth to the Flame, by Zoe Singleton

Where Flowers Bloom by Zoe Singleton

Where Flowers Bloom by Zoe Singleton

The Tide Rises by Zoe Singleton

The Tide Rises by Zoe Singleton

Kindness by Zoe Wilson

Kindness by Zoe Wilson

Think by Zoe Wilson

Think by Zoe Wilson

better late than never - 1.jpeg better late than never detail - 1.jpeg

Better Late Than Never by Fergus Davidson

Charlotte_Gin.jpg CH Haw Gin.jpg

Haw Gin by Charlotte Howarth

Gin and Tonic Bench by Lois Anderson lois_bench2.JPG

Gin and Tonic Bench by Lois Anderson

She who plants a garden plants happiness by Emi Gordon

She who plants a garden plants happiness by Emi Gordon

Love comes over you - low res.jpg

'Love comes over you' by Annet Stirling

'Remember the garden' by Fiona Flack - low res.jpg

'Remember the Garden' by Fiona Flack

Sale Price:£1,050.00 Original Price:£1,260.00
Pink Salmon, Red Herring by Annet Stirling - low res.jpg Red Herring detail - low res.jpg

'Pink Salmon, Red Herring' by Annet Stirling

Sale Price:£245.00 Original Price:£350.00

'Vocatus Atque Non Vocatus Deus Aderit' by Eric Marland

Who can turn skies back and begin again?

Who can turn skies back and begin again?

A Laughing Pomegranate by Rachel Gundry pomegranate.jpg

A Laughing Pomegranate by Rachel Gundry

annet_in_situ.JPG Small pluck -stones.jpg

Pluck by Annet Stirling

from £110.00
Berwyn slate by MARTIN COOK

Berwyn slate by MARTIN COOK

Alphabet of precious stones by GAYNOR GOFFE

Alphabet of precious stones by GAYNOR GOFFE

Alphabet in green slate by PIPPA WESTOBY

Alphabet in green slate by PIPPA WESTOBY

Uncial alphabet by ROBYN GOLDEN-HANN

Uncial alphabet by ROBYN GOLDEN-HANN

Science Block by PHIL SUREY

Science Block by PHIL SUREY

Blue Moon Alphabet by ANNET STIRLING

Blue Moon Alphabet by ANNET STIRLING

San Vito Revisited by ANNET STIRLING

San Vito Revisited by ANNET STIRLING

Joined Up Writing Alphabet by ANNET STIRLING

Joined Up Writing Alphabet by ANNET STIRLING

Abecedarium by Gary Breeze

Abecedarium by Gary Breeze

The Quick Brown Fox by GAYNOR GOFFE

The Quick Brown Fox by GAYNOR GOFFE

A is for Ox by Eric Marland
Sold Out

A is for Ox by Eric Marland

Greek alphabet by Eric Marland & Josh Larkum

Greek alphabet by Eric Marland & Josh Larkum

riddle BIG.jpg

The riddle is solved, desire gone, By Mark Brooks

Catkin by Ansari.jpg Catkin close up By Ansari.jpg

Catkin by Zoe Ansari

Cowslip by Bernard Johnson

Cowslip by Bernard Johnson

Hazel by Emi Gordon
Sold Out

Hazel by Emi Gordon

Herring by Trev Clark Herring Detail.jpg

Herring by Trev Clark

Kingfisher by Jackie Perkins

Kingfisher by Jackie Perkins

Lark by Jo Sweeting Lark detail.jpg

Lark by Jo Sweeting

Magpie by Louise Tiplady Magpie detail .jpg

Magpie by Louise Tiplady

Pasture by Philip Surey

Pasture by Philip Surey

Raven by Andrew Whittle Raven detail.jpg

Raven by Andrew Whittle

Weasel by Mark Noad and Michelle de Bruin Weasel detail.jpg

Weasel by Mark Noad and Michelle de Bruin

Nature Sculpture  by Lottie O'Leary Mistletoe.png

Nature Sculpture by Lottie O'Leary

Dandelion by Maya Martin

Dandelion by Maya Martin

Ars Longa by Eric Marland

Ars Longa by Eric Marland

Dream of Winter by John Neilson dreamofwinter_winter-Neilson.jpg

Dream of Winter by John Neilson

Starling by Anna Bowen Starling detail 1.jpg

Starling by Anna Bowen

Touch Stone by Annet Stirling.jpg

TOUCHSTONE by Annet Stirling

thumbnail (5).jpg

HIPPONOE The Nereid who knows about horses by Gaynor Goffe

thumbnail (4).jpg

KYMOTHOE (Cymothoe) "running waves." by Alan Kitching

thumbnail (3).jpg

MELITE "calm" seas by Jilly Hazeldine

thumbnail (1).jpg

EUDORA "fine gifts" of the sea by Peter Furlonger


SAO "safe" passage, or the rescue of sailors by Chris Cudlip


PLEXAURE "twisting breeze" by Annet Stirling


GLAUKE (Glauce) "blue-grey" waters. by Heather Griffiths


GLAUKONOME "mastering the grey" by Kelvyn Smith

Emi Gordon_William Black quote_300x300mm.jpg

Everything That Lives by Emi Gordon

Louise Tiplady_Wildflower meadow_430x270mm.jpg

Meadow Dream by Louise Tiplady

Lisi Ashbridge_The Cuckoo's Parting Cry_113x393mm.jpg

The Cuckoo's Parting Cry by Lisi Ashbridge

Gaynor Goffe_Butterfly_595x385mm.jpg

Only One Butterfly by Gaynor Goffe

And down the other air  .. by Tanja Bolenz

And down the other air .. by Tanja Bolenz

Connected Habitat Fergus Davidson.jpg

Connected Habitat by Fergus Davidson

Sheena McGuinness_Irish mosses_350x290x105mm.jpg

M ss

Jackie Perkins_Scottish Wildcat_200x400mm.jpg
Sold Out

Scottish Wildcat by Jackie Perkins

Tom Perkins_Reverence for Life_188x484mm.jpg

Reverence For Life by Tom Perkins

Peter Furlonger_Trees_552x673mm framed.jpg

Spring by Peter Furlonger

Cherrel Avery_The Skylark_325x170mm.jpg

To a Skylark by Cherrell Avery

no name_He looked ahead and saw_420x526mm.jpg

Wild Ducks by Anna Bowen

Matt and Steph Louglan_Adder_330x230mm.jpg

The Humble Adder by Stephanie Le Cocq and Matt Loughlin

Eric Marland_Now You See Me_1620x105x35mm.jpg MARLANDnow you see me.jpg

Now you See Me by Eric Marland

Veritas Numquam Perit (Tanja Bolenz).JPG Veritas Numquam Perit 2 (Tanja Bolenz)_.JPG

Veritas Numquam Perit by Tanja Bolenz

Dave Crowe_Bright Earth Flickering_90x230mm_image 3.jpg Dave Crowe_Bright Earth Flickering_90x230mm_image 1.jpg

Bright Flickering Earth by Dave Crowe

Entonces Cantare en Silenco by Tanja Bolenz

Entonces Cantare en Silenco by Tanja Bolenz

Dragon by Tanja Bolenz

Dragon by Tanja Bolenz

GALATEA (Galatea) The Nereid of the milky white sea foam by Cherrell Avery

GALATEA (Galatea) The Nereid of the milky white sea foam by Cherrell Avery

MENIPPE The Nereid of strong horses, that is, strong waves’   by Gordon Hayes

MENIPPE The Nereid of strong horses, that is, strong waves’   by Gordon Hayes

AMATHEIA (Amathea) The Nereid who "rears or nurses" the fish.    (‘Nurture Our Nature’ ) by Jackie Perkins

AMATHEIA (Amathea) The Nereid who "rears or nurses" the fish.    (‘Nurture Our Nature’ ) by Jackie Perkins

Oreithyia by Sue Hufton.jpeg Oreithyia (detail) by Sue Hufton (1).jpeg

OREITHYIA (Orithyia) The Nereid of the’raging sea’  by Sue Hufton

LEAGORE The Nereid of gatherer of fishes by Zoe Singleton

LEAGORE The Nereid of gatherer of fishes by Zoe Singleton

Thetis in the Myrtle Tree Cove by Rachel Butler

Thetis in the Myrtle Tree Cove by Rachel Butler

KALIANASSA The Lovely Queen by Maya Martin

KALIANASSA The Lovely Queen by Maya Martin

KETO The Nereid of sea monsters by Zoe Ansari

KETO The Nereid of sea monsters by Zoe Ansari

Good Cups and Saucers” by Louise Tiplady 0.jpg

Good Cups and Saucers” by Louise Tiplady

The Roseate Tern by Tanja Bolenz Bolenz birds.jfif

The Roseate Tern by Tanja Bolenz

European Shag by Tanja Bolenz Bolenz birds.jfif

European Shag by Tanja Bolenz

The Artic Skua by Tanja Bolenz Bolenz birds.jfif

The Artic Skua by Tanja Bolenz

European Herring Gull by Tanja Bolenz Bolenz birds.jfif

European Herring Gull by Tanja Bolenz

Tanja Bolenz_Seabirds_each 253x253mm.jpg Tanja Bolenz_Seabirds_European Shag_253x253mm.jpg

Sea Birds by Tanja Bolenz

Amphinome  - The Nereid of sea currents by Sue Aperghis

Amphinome - The Nereid of sea currents by Sue Aperghis

Eione - The Nereid of beach sand by Maia Gaffney Hyde

Eione - The Nereid of beach sand by Maia Gaffney Hyde

Panopeia - The Nereid of the sea's panorama by Imogen Long

Panopeia - The Nereid of the sea's panorama by Imogen Long


Postage and packing for artwork

Now the night has passed by Louise Tiplady

Now the night has passed by Louise Tiplady

Swallows (A Spring Calendar) by Andrew Whittle

Swallows (A Spring Calendar) by Andrew Whittle

ILEX AQUIFOLIUM by Bernard Johnson

ILEX AQUIFOLIUM by Bernard Johnson

Chestnut by Gillian Forbes

Chestnut by Gillian Forbes

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever by Emi Gordon

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever by Emi Gordon

Willow by Gillian Forbes

Willow by Gillian Forbes

Heaven is under our feet by Jackie Perkins

Heaven is under our feet by Jackie Perkins

Beech Leaves I by Jo Crossland

Beech Leaves I by Jo Crossland

Beech Leaves II by Jo Crossland

Beech Leaves II by Jo Crossland

Sip Life's sweet moments by Lisi Ashbridge

Sip Life's sweet moments by Lisi Ashbridge

Steadfast in fissure set, deft tendrils spur by Sue Aperghis

Steadfast in fissure set, deft tendrils spur by Sue Aperghis

Crave the Rose by Zoe Singleton

Crave the Rose by Zoe Singleton

The Lake Isle of Innisfree by Rachel Butler

The Lake Isle of Innisfree by Rachel Butler

Always Growing by Matt Loughlin

Always Growing by Matt Loughlin

Earthworms by Maya Martin

Earthworms by Maya Martin

Sing a Song Book Ends by Louise Tiplady Book ends .jpg

Sing a Song Book Ends by Louise Tiplady

Ich möchte… (I would like to step out from my heart under the great sky) by John Neilson

Ich möchte… (I would like to step out from my heart under the great sky) by John Neilson

Willow by Joe Hickey Joe Hickey - Willow 2.jpg

Willow by Joe Hickey

Red Roses by Maia Gaffney Hyde

Red Roses by Maia Gaffney Hyde

Crocus by Tom Perkins

Crocus by Tom Perkins
