HIPPONOE The Nereid who knows about horses by Gaynor Goffe

HIPPONOE The Nereid who knows about horses by Gaynor Goffe


HIPPONOE The Nereid who knows about horses (that is, of the waves.)

Sumi ink calligraphy on acrylic wash, hot pressed paper, pencil illustration.


Gaynor Goffe

Gaynor Goffe is an eminent calligrapher who has taught for over 40 years.  Calligraphy is one of the key skills required for lettering design. She is a fellow of the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society, and the Society of Scribes and Illuminators. 

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The price of the piece does not include delivery. This work can be collected from our Snape gallery, or alternatively contact us on  01728 688393 / 01728 688934 or info@letteringartstrust.org.uk for a quote for packing and delivery. 


GLAUKE (Glauce) "blue-grey" waters. by Heather Griffiths


GLAUKONOME "mastering the grey" by Kelvyn Smith

Amphinome  - The Nereid of sea currents by Sue Aperghis

Amphinome - The Nereid of sea currents by Sue Aperghis

Thetis in the Myrtle Tree Cove by Rachel Butler

Thetis in the Myrtle Tree Cove by Rachel Butler

LEAGORE The Nereid of gatherer of fishes by Zoe Singleton

LEAGORE The Nereid of gatherer of fishes by Zoe Singleton
