GALATEA (Galatea) The Nereid of the milky white sea foam by Cherrell Avery

GALATEA (Galatea) The Nereid of the milky white sea foam by Cherrell Avery


Etched brass panel with acrylic glazes. Edition of 4.

Cherrell Avery, BA Hons (Calligraphy) is a professional lettering artist whose work is in many private and public collections including the Victoria and Albert Musuem.  She is a fellow of the Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society, and the Society of Scribes and Illuminators.

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MELITE "calm" seas by Jilly Hazeldine


GLAUKE (Glauce) "blue-grey" waters. by Heather Griffiths

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HIPPONOE The Nereid who knows about horses by Gaynor Goffe

AMATHEIA (Amathea) The Nereid who "rears or nurses" the fish.    (‘Nurture Our Nature’ ) by Jackie Perkins

AMATHEIA (Amathea) The Nereid who "rears or nurses" the fish.    (‘Nurture Our Nature’ ) by Jackie Perkins

Panopeia - The Nereid of the sea's panorama by Imogen Long

Panopeia - The Nereid of the sea's panorama by Imogen Long
