Our Journeyman programme provides short, intense training for letter carvers as they develop their careers.
The programme is aimed at experienced, committed letter carvers who want to focus on a specific area of their craft. It provides tuition, expertise and guidance to help carvers gain in confidence to become fully self-employed.
The length of training varies from a few weeks to up to three months depending on how it is structured. Each applicant needs to have an idea about what they want to study and with which carver(s) they would like to work. A grant can be up to £3,000 covering tuition and accommodation if necessary. We will work with applicants to structure their training to make sure they get the best value from their grant.
What past journeyman recipients say
Ben Williams
Ben Williams spent six weeks training with Alec Peever, a renowned artist based in Oxfordshire. Ben’s placement with Alec featured study on the form and drawing of letters, as well as practical hands-on work assisting Alec with his commissions.
“What an amazing journey so far. This would not have been possible without the grant from the Lettering Arts Trust. I feel… like I’m meant to do this – I’ve found my role in life, which is deeply satisfying.”
Joe Hickey
Joe Hickey spent several weeks with letter carver and lettering designer John Neilson in Wales. John helped Joe focus on the practical and business side of running a workshop. This was also a very physical placement, with Joe helping John inscribe a huge oak beam at a site in the Highlands.
“Working away on-site in the Highlands, and with John’s advice on costing jobs, I feel better-armed for my future as a letter carver.”
Make an application
If you are interested in participating in our Journeyman programme please complete the application form with as much information as you are able to provide, then email it back to us. If you have any questions or would like advice completing the form please get in touch.