European Shag by Tanja Bolenz

European Shag by Tanja Bolenz


The European Shag.

Can be purchased individually or as a set of four with The Roseate Tern, The Artic Skua and the European Herring Gull.

Artist’s statement:

Visiting Orkney and especially Papa Westray, which is teaming with seabirds, opened my eyes to the variety and beauty of seabirds, many of which are now in danger of extinction.

Cumbrian green slate plaques, with riven finish. 254 x 254mm.


My lettering background is in calligraphy. A first class degree in Calligraphy from Roehampton Institute (1997) gave me a broad understanding of lettering, from historical letter forms to modern experimental lettering. Working extensively with an edged pen helped develop my eye and understanding for letter forms. After graduation I apprenticed in letter cutting with letter designer Tom Perkins, and subsequently took a two-year HND course in Applied Architectural Stonework at Weymouth College. After working with practitioners in both the UK and Germany, I set up my own practice in 2005.

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The Roseate Tern by Tanja Bolenz Bolenz birds.jfif

The Roseate Tern by Tanja Bolenz

AMATHEIA (Amathea) The Nereid who "rears or nurses" the fish.    (‘Nurture Our Nature’ ) by Jackie Perkins

AMATHEIA (Amathea) The Nereid who "rears or nurses" the fish.    (‘Nurture Our Nature’ ) by Jackie Perkins

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Turtle Dove by Mathew Roman Kopinski

The Artic Skua by Tanja Bolenz Bolenz birds.jfif

The Artic Skua by Tanja Bolenz

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Reverence For Life by Tom Perkins
