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A collaboration by stone sculptor and letter carver SHEENA DEVITT and poet MARK MCGUINNESS.

The presence of moss is easily overlooked, its absence even more so. When moss starts to go missing, it takes a trained eye to notice.

Mosses play a vital role in the development of new ecosystems. They are among the first colonisers of disturbed sites, stabilising the soil surface, retaining water, and helping new plants to grow.

More and more species of moss are in decline, such as the delightfully named fir tamarisk-moss, awl-leaved swan-neck moss, ribbed extinguisher moss, elegant feather--moss, small mouse-tail moss, dwarf bladder-moss and hoary fringe-moss.

We like to think of this piece sitting outside, becoming covered and softened with moss over time, filling in the letters and creating a micro-habitat for new plant and animal life.

Size: Approx 380 mm high\ Material: Sandstone\ Location: Garden

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