Lettering Arts Trust Perpetual Calendar C9D7D208-2277-46FD-9877-B8871CF3DD37.jpeg

Lettering Arts Trust Perpetual Calendar

Do the Stones Speak? Guide to the St Peter's Church, Corpusty, & The Art and Memory Collection Coprusty book pages2.jpg

Do the Stones Speak? Guide to the St Peter's Church, Corpusty, & The Art and Memory Collection

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Rope of Words: written by Megan Kerr and illustrated by Lin Kerr

Contemporary Calligraphy by Gillian Hazeldine
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Contemporary Calligraphy by Gillian Hazeldine

Adventures with Letters by Michael Harvey Advenutres+1.jpg
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Adventures with Letters by Michael Harvey

What they didn't teach you in photo school Photo school.jpg

What they didn't teach you in photo school

What they didn't teach you in design school by Phil Cleaver

What they didn't teach you in design school by Phil Cleaver

Hyphens and Hashtags by Claire Cock-Stanley

Hyphens and Hashtags by Claire Cock-Stanley

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Headstones Advice and Inspriation by Fergus Wessel

The Visible Word - Experimental Typography and Modern Art by Johanna Drucker Visible2.jpg

The Visible Word - Experimental Typography and Modern Art by Johanna Drucker

Rock Paper Pixel Catalogue and User Guide fullsizeoutput_d80.jpeg

Rock Paper Pixel Catalogue and User Guide

Beauty in Letters - A selection of illuminated addresses by John Wilson Beauty1.jpg

Beauty in Letters - A selection of illuminated addresses by John Wilson

Live, Love, Laugh bowl by Deborah Hopson Wolpe LIve Love laugh bowl 2DHW web.jpg

Live, Love, Laugh bowl by Deborah Hopson Wolpe

To have and to hold bowl by Deborah Hopson Wolpe DHW Bowls web.jpg
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To have and to hold bowl by Deborah Hopson Wolpe

Follow your heart bowl by Deborah Hopson Wolpe DHW Bowl back.jpg
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Follow your heart bowl by Deborah Hopson Wolpe

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Words Made Stone - The Craft and Philosophy of Letter Carving by Lida Lopes Cardozo Kindersley and Marcus Waithe

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Britten's Britain - An illustrated map by Inkpot & Pen

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Hidden Gems Map- Arts, Crafts & Architecture from the Suffolk coast by Christine Nicholls

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Digital Downtime - set of two gift cards

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Ear Worm Badge Cards with envelope

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Shakespeare Flattery/Insult Mini Book

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All the Letters - mini book

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Handmade note book - Dreams and Plans

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Handmade note book - Idle Thoughts


Native Wildflower Seeds

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Teenager inspired film titles Book Mark set by Inkpot and Pen

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Letter book plates

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Cups and Sources by Inkpot & Pen

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Handmade note book - Observations

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Handmade note book - Wish List

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Handmade note book - Hold That Thought

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Handmade note book - Bucket List

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Eeormoo by Jim Sutherland

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Garage by Jim Sutherland

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Deck of playing cards by Jim Sutherland

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The Graphic Lexicon by Jim Sutherland

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LONDON'S TYPEFACE Edward Johnston's Underground Sans

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PEN & PRINT The Legacy of Edward Johnston 1906-2006

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The Memorials by Artists Guide

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Art and Memory in the Churchyard

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How Do You Want To Be Remembered? Exhibition Catalogue.

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Art and Memory Catalogue

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Memorials by Artists Publications Pack

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Memorials by Artists for Young People, Children and Babies

The London Tube Map Pocket Edition by Mark Noad noad map1 - 1.jpeg
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The London Tube Map Pocket Edition by Mark Noad

Quote box - Books

Quote box - Books


Quote Box - Friendship


Quote Box - Gardening


Quote box - Wisdom


Innovative Forms, The Lettering of John Skelton, Catalogue

Berthold Wolpe - The Total Man by Professor Phil Cleaver

Berthold Wolpe - The Total Man by Professor Phil Cleaver

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Brass letter bookmark

Type is beautiful by Simon Loxley

Type is beautiful by Simon Loxley

Just my type - by Simon Garfield
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Just my type - by Simon Garfield


Gift vouchers

from £25.00
Poets Cornered by Mark Handley Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 10.02.58.png

Poets Cornered by Mark Handley

'His Hands Magic' - Michael Renton 1934 - 2012 Renton Book 1.jpg

'His Hands Magic' - Michael Renton 1934 - 2012

Stitch in time by Deborah Hopson Wolpe

Stitch in time by Deborah Hopson Wolpe

The Art of Letter Carving in Stone by Tom Perkins Image.jpeg
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The Art of Letter Carving in Stone by Tom Perkins

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the trees oh the trees ...

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And all the roads...


Helvetica Alphabet Bookmark

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Typographic Firsts - Adventures in early printing


Friends On The Shelf

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Letter Carving - Andrew J Hibberd

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History of Baddeley Brothers

Peace Pencils

Peace Pencils

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80th Birthday Wooden Sign with Hanger

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40th Birthday Wooden Sign with Hanger

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In Concert Exhibition Catalogue

'On A Knife Edge - nature in Peril' Exhibition Catalogue oake cat 1.jpg

'On A Knife Edge - nature in Peril' Exhibition Catalogue

Orchestra of Letters Exhibition Catalogue OOL sample.JPG

Orchestra of Letters Exhibition Catalogue

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Skelton's Alphabet Workbook

Alphabet Museum Catalogue

Alphabet Museum Catalogue

The Lost Words Exhibition Catalogue

The Lost Words Exhibition Catalogue

Basho Haiku illustrated by John Skelton Bashu NEW2 - 1.jpeg
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Basho Haiku illustrated by John Skelton

Talk: Lettering Landmarks x London Craft Week at Fulham Palace 9442ab64d57773dd800b6681ad9858cf (3).jpg

Talk: Lettering Landmarks x London Craft Week at Fulham Palace

A true friend is the greatest of all blessings by Celia Kilner

A true friend is the greatest of all blessings by Celia Kilner

ONLINE TALK:  Martin Cook, Master letter carver - from house signs to the great court of the British museum. Slate+sundial+by+Martin+Cook-sm.jpg

ONLINE TALK: Martin Cook, Master letter carver - from house signs to the great court of the British museum.

FRIENDS ONLY EVENT: Guided Tour of North Norfolk’s Lettering Highlights NPM.jpg

FRIENDS ONLY EVENT: Guided Tour of North Norfolk’s Lettering Highlights

Box of Swifts by Gordon Hayes

Box of Swifts by Gordon Hayes

FRIENDS ONLY EVENT: Guided Tour of Coventry Cathedral. Baptistry-Joseph-Witcombe-Coventry-Cathedral-23-of-25.jpg

FRIENDS ONLY EVENT: Guided Tour of Coventry Cathedral.

Screen Printing with John Paige DVD DVD-combined-screenprinting-RGB-630x472 (003).jpg

Screen Printing with John Paige DVD

Linocut with Robert Gilmor DVD DVD face linocut4 (003).jpg

Linocut with Robert Gilmor DVD

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Richard Kindersley – shares wisdom & advice gained during his distinguished career Richard Kindersely - QE2.jpg

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Richard Kindersley – shares wisdom & advice gained during his distinguished career

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Pip Hall - The Stanza Stones case study and creative collaborations

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Pip Hall - The Stanza Stones case study and creative collaborations

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Zoe Wilson – Social Media, Self Promotion and Marketing

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Zoe Wilson – Social Media, Self Promotion and Marketing

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Jeremy Tankard - on Letter Exchange and the value of networking

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Jeremy Tankard - on Letter Exchange and the value of networking

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gregory Parsons – curating and participating in exhibitions.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gregory Parsons – curating and participating in exhibitions.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Ron Clarke, Treasurer, LAT – accountancy principles

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Ron Clarke, Treasurer, LAT – accountancy principles

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gaynor Goffe and Tom Perkins – shared lives as lettering artists All Shall Be Well.jpg

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gaynor Goffe and Tom Perkins – shared lives as lettering artists

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Welsh Slate Quarry – on sourcing materials

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Welsh Slate Quarry – on sourcing materials

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Lisi Ashbridge and Sue Aperghis - in conversation, gaining experience and grants.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Lisi Ashbridge and Sue Aperghis - in conversation, gaining experience and grants.
