Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Richard Kindersley – shares wisdom & advice gained during his distinguished career

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Richard Kindersley – shares wisdom & advice gained during his distinguished career


Richard Kindersley made the first key-note address of the Lettering Arts Trust Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. He kickstarted the day’s rich content explaining that passion, experimentation and the ability to observe, listen and learn are characteristics for a satisfying, successful career.

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Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Zoe Wilson – Social Media, Self Promotion and Marketing

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Zoe Wilson – Social Media, Self Promotion and Marketing

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Lisi Ashbridge and Sue Aperghis - in conversation, gaining experience and grants.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Lisi Ashbridge and Sue Aperghis - in conversation, gaining experience and grants.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gregory Parsons – curating and participating in exhibitions.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gregory Parsons – curating and participating in exhibitions.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Ron Clarke, Treasurer, LAT – accountancy principles

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Ron Clarke, Treasurer, LAT – accountancy principles

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Jeremy Tankard - on Letter Exchange and the value of networking

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Jeremy Tankard - on Letter Exchange and the value of networking
