Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Richard Kindersley – shares wisdom & advice gained during his distinguished career Richard Kindersely - QE2.jpg

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Richard Kindersley – shares wisdom & advice gained during his distinguished career

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Pip Hall - The Stanza Stones case study and creative collaborations

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Pip Hall - The Stanza Stones case study and creative collaborations

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Zoe Wilson – Social Media, Self Promotion and Marketing

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Zoe Wilson – Social Media, Self Promotion and Marketing

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Jeremy Tankard - on Letter Exchange and the value of networking

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Jeremy Tankard - on Letter Exchange and the value of networking

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gregory Parsons – curating and participating in exhibitions.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gregory Parsons – curating and participating in exhibitions.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Ron Clarke, Treasurer, LAT – accountancy principles

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Ron Clarke, Treasurer, LAT – accountancy principles

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gaynor Goffe and Tom Perkins – shared lives as lettering artists All Shall Be Well.jpg

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Gaynor Goffe and Tom Perkins – shared lives as lettering artists

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Welsh Slate Quarry – on sourcing materials

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Welsh Slate Quarry – on sourcing materials

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Lisi Ashbridge and Sue Aperghis - in conversation, gaining experience and grants.

Emerging Carvers Symposium 2023. Lisi Ashbridge and Sue Aperghis - in conversation, gaining experience and grants.
