Turtle Dove by Mathew Roman Kopinski

Turtle Dove by Mathew Roman Kopinski


Turtle Dove - Gilded sale

His inspiration for the piece is biodiversity expert Anne Millar (MPLS at Oxford University). The turtle dove has inspired, music, poetry and art with its gentle cooing and beautiful plumage. Its story is amongst the saddest of Britain’s threatened wildlife, and since 1970 we’ve lost 98% of turtle doves in the UK.

As a long distance migrant from sub-Saharan Africa, it is still hunted in Southern Europe which takes a huge toll on numbers. Industrialisation of our farming methods in the UK has removed the weed seeds on which turtle doves thrived and caused such a decline.

In Norfolk weeds are being nurtured by farmers to help improve the environment for the return of the turtle dove.

Size: 100 x 100 mm


Matthew Roman Kopinsike was a Lettering Arts Trust Journeyman in 2021 tutored by Bernard Johnson, London.

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