Vocatus ... by Eric Marland

Vocatus ... by Eric Marland


‘Vocatus atque non vocatus, deus aderit’ quote by Erasmus cast in cement with letters painted red. There is a keyhole plate let into the back for ease of hanging.

Meaning Bidden or not bidden, God is present.

This was carved in the original Latin over the door of the great Swiss psychotherapist, Carl Jung to remind those who entered of the presence of the spiritual in the everyday.

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In Vino Veritas,  by Peter Furlonger PHOTO-2022-11-04-16-18-53 (2).jpg

In Vino Veritas, by Peter Furlonger

Who can turn skies back and begin again?

Who can turn skies back and begin again?

Rarely, rarely, com'st thou spirit of delight  by Peter Furlonger 0d7729b4-a5b1-4a1a-9592-6c8aa6b7bb65.JPG

Rarely, rarely, com'st thou spirit of delight by Peter Furlonger

S - Robbie Schneider.jpg

S by Robbie Schneider

Spring rain by Nia Bennett

Spring rain by Nia Bennett
