Pip Hall Studios - Letter carving in stone

Pip Hall Studios - Letter carving in stone
Letter carving courses - Beginners and intermediate workshops
These workshops are for 8 people, and shaped to individual needs, and hosted in Cumbria and Hertford. Unless otherwise shown, course length is three days. An introductory slide show will be followed by demonstrations of lettering styles, drawing techniques and methods of carving with chisels, and much individual tuition. Stone, tools and materials are provided, though students are welcome to bring their own stone and project. Please note, course times and catering vary between venues. Unless otherwise shown, these are beginners courses - for anyone with enthusiasm and a little patience...
Locations: Hertford and Cumbria
For more information see Pip’s website : CLICK HERE
To book your place and for more information, please email Pip info@piphall.co.uk
Please note: the specifics of the courses are not vetted or endorsed by the Lettering Arts Trust.
Please note: the specifics of the courses are not vetted or endorsed by the Lettering Arts Trust.