Experience a workshop

be inspired and learn the art of lettering on all types of media

As one of the UK's leading providers of lettering arts training, we’re delighted to offer workshops to help people explore the possibilities of the lettering arts. We offer one-day workshops and longer courses for the complete beginner and returning student.


Letter Carving

Letter carving is a centuries-old craft that starts with drawing or tracing letters carefully onto stone. The letter carving artist then uses a chisel and a dummy to cut each letter. The resulting letterforms are sharp, crisp, and can last for centuries.

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For thousands of years, people have used calligraphy to inscribe books, glass, wood, and stone. It was Edward Johnston who revived the teaching of calligraphy in 20th century Britain, giving the UK a unique place in the history of calligraphy.



Letterpress is the oldest form of printing, and is currently seeing a revival. A raised surface, usually metal but often wood or stone blocks, is inked and pressed onto paper. The result can be vivid, lively art works, or as in days of old, a printed book.



Linocut letters can be carved relatively quickly. Experimentation is one of the joys of the linocutting process, as different coloured inks, papers and surfaces mean myriad designs and patterns can be made.