Charles Gurrey

Charles Gurrey

Peter Furlonger

Thomas Sargeant

Nick Roberson

Nick Roberson

Charlies Gurrey

Christopher Elsey

Christopher Elsey

Alyosha Moeran
Wall (detail)

Charles Gurrey
Plaque in concrete and bronze

Charles Gurrey
Stone surround for grassed area

Charles Gurrey
Commemorative standing stone (front and reverse)

Charles Gurrey

Charles Gurrey

Alyosha Moeran
Llanbradach village sign

Alyosha Moeran
Panel (detail) with carving tools

Alyosha Moeran
Standing stone sculpture

Andrew Baxter

Andrew baxter

Adrian Drake
Tournerbury sign

Annet Stirling
Architectural lettering- The National Gallery

Annet Stirling
Standing stone

Annet Stirling
Lettering (detail)

Annet Stirling
Lettering (detail)

Annet Stirling
Tablet- the tide’s at full: the marsh with flooded streams glimmers, a limpid labyrinth of dreams

Annet Stirling
Stone pillar

Annet Stirling
Stone fragment mounted on wall

Annet Stirling
Circular paving

Annet Stirling
Commemorative standing stone

Annet Stirling
Wall inscription- The Ondaatje Wing, National Portrait Gallery

Anna Louise Parker
Lettering in wood

Tom Perkins
Commemorative wall panel

Anna Louise Parker
Wooden casket

Charlotte Howarth
Standing stone

Charlotte Howarth

Charlotte Howarth

Charlotte Howarth
Wall carving

Christopher Elsey
Standing stone- rock of ages, cleft for me

Christopher Elsey
Standing stones- all shall be amen and alleluia, we shall rest and we shall see

Emi Gordon

Emily Hoffnung
Balnaha sign

Fergus Wessel

Fergus Wessel
Commemorative plaque

Fergus Wessel
Standing stone- cradled in a narrow boat, seduced by stars, rocking on the water underneath a full moon, dancing on common land, Venus shining overhead

Gary Breeze
Architectural lettering

Gary Breeze

Stuart Buckle & Gary Breeze

Gary Breeze

Gary Breeze

Gary Breeze

Gary Breeze

Stuart Buckle & Gary Breeze

Gary Breeze
Standing stone

Gary Newton
Design sketch

Gary Newton
Architectural lettering- Sir Edwin Lutyens, Architect

Gary Newton

Giles Macdonald
Wall (detail)

Giles Macdonald
Scale model of inscribed wall

Giles Macdonald
Wall inscription

Giles Macdonald
Architectural lettering- Merton College, TS Eliot Theatre

Giles Macdonald
Inscribed paving stone- tile and steeple a glimpse of roof and sky, ancient ditches carved north to south

Giles Macdonald
Wall inscription (detail)

Gillian Forbes
Installation- live thy life young and old like yon oak bright in spring living gold

Gillian Forbes

Gillian Forbes

Gillian Forbes
Wall (detail)

Iain Cotton

Iain Cotton
Plaque (detail)

Iain Cotton
Headstones- rare/extinct plants of the British Isles

Iain Cotton

Ian Newton

Ian Newton
Stone wall panel

Ian Newton

Ian Newton
Obelisk (detail)- Japanese inscription

James Salisbury
Sculpture (detail)- a void

James Salisbury
Sculpture- a void (also in braille)

James Salisbury
Wall engraving

James Salisbury
Wall- …love, laugh, gather, greet

John Neilson
Standing stone- a noise like a door being shut, and I was just a block, then a carver made me

John Neilson
Commemorative standing stone

John Neilson
Floor inscription

John Neilson
Standing stones

John Neilson

James Salisbury
Wall- I dream of a green garden/where the sun feathers my face/like your once eager kiss

John Andrew

John Andrew

John Nash
Architectural lettering- Sprague Hall, Yale School of Music

John Nash
Architectural lettering- Anlyan Center

John Nash
Lettering- Paskus-Danziger rare book room

John Nash
Lettering- Berkeley Notes

Malcolm Sier
Lettering, inscription on glass doors

Malcolm Sier
Lettering- feelings can be heard/ my questions can be asked…

Malcolm Sier
Lettering (detail)- feelings can be heard/ my questions can be asked…

Plaque for statue- youthful endeavour

Malcolm Sier

Malcolm Sier
Bell- be still and know peace

Malcolm Sier
Standing stone

Martin Cook & Gary Breeze
Memorial, designed by Gary Breeze, stone carving by Martin Cook

Martin Cook
Architectural lettering

Martin Cook
Architctural lettering

Martin Cook
Lettering- in small proportions we just beauties see, and in short measures we may perfect be

Martin Cook
Lettering on memorial

Martin Cook
Lettering on floor- and let thy feet, millenniums hence, be set in midst of knowledge

Nicholas Sloan

Nicholas Sloan
Stone lettering

Nicholas Sloan
Architectural lettering

Nicholas Sloan
Stone fragments- the world has been empty since the Romans

Nicholas Sloan
Architectural lettering

Nicholas Sloan
Wall inscription- where man obeys without being presumed good there is neither liberty nor a native land

Nick Roberson
Statue inscription- united trinity

Nick Roberson
Stone column

Nick Roberson
Architectural lettering

Nick Roberson
War memorial

Nick Roberson
Standing stone

Peter Foster
Standing stone

Peter Foster
Church font

Peter Foster
Church altar

Peter Foster
Church altar

Philip Surey
Lettering on wall

Philip Surey
Sign- Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre

Philip Surey
Sign (detail)- Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre

Pip Hall

Pip Hall
Print- watercourse

Pip Hall

Pip Hall

Pip Hall

Pip Hall

Pip Hall

Pip Hall
Lettering on stone steps (detail)

Pip Hall

Pip Hall
Architectural lettering

Robyn Golden-Hann

Robyn Golden-Hann
War memorial

Robyn Golden-Hann
Decorative piece- in the beginning was the word

Robyn Golden-Hann
Obelisk, war memorial

Stuart Buckle & Gary Breeze

Stuart Buckle & Gary Breeze

Stuart Buckle
Pavings with inscriptions

Gary Breeze
Fountain and tree surround

Gary Breeze
Fountain and tree surround

Stuart Buckle
Trio of slate tablets

Stuart Buckle & Gary Breeze

Teucer Wilson
Sculpture, town gateway feature- hope is not broken/Ni ddry lliwyd gobaith

Teucer Wilson
Standing stone (front and reverse)- in wildness is the preservation of the world

Tom Perkins
Free-standing wooden tablet- and I being here have been part of all this caught & thrown like sun on water have entered into all around me

Tom Perkins
Standing stone- the footprints of our ancestors familiar as our own faces remote as fossils written on clay and washed away over & over over and over

Tom Perkins

Tom Perkins
Plaque (detail)

Tom Perkins
Lettering- when you go home, tell them of us, and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today

Tom Perkins
Plaque, inscribed with poetry

Tom Perkins
Lettering on balustrade

Tom Perkins
Lettering on balustrade

Bernard Johnson
Commemorative standing stone

Charlotte Howarth
Stone reception desk

Martin Cook & Gary Breeze
Memorial, designed by Gary Breeze, stone carving by Martin Cook

Gary Breeze
Architectural lettering

Mark Brooks
Architectural lettering- the Old Kent Market

Mark Brooks
Architectural lettering- the Old Kent Market

Mark Brooks
Architectural lettering- the Old Kent Market

Andrew Whittle
Plaque- an irregular peristyle (Milton: The Passion)

Andrew Whittle
Lettering- girl into reed, reed into air, air into music
Andrew Whittle
Round paving

Andrew Whittle
Tablet- Die heimat ist nicht das land…ist die gemeinschaft der gefuehle

Andrew Whittle
Sculpture surround

Andrew Whittle
Lettering, way sign

Andrew Whittle
Headstone- worke together, eat bread together

Tom Perkins

Tom Perkins
Lettering on Kensington Palace loggia (detail) - [for the Diamond Jubilee] of Queen Elizabeth II

Tom Perkins
Lettering- poet laureate
Andrew Whittle
Plaque- all the noble sentiments of my heart, all its most praiseworthy impulses, I could give them free reign, in the midst of this solitary wood

Philip Surey
Architectural lettering- Let us walk in love as Christ loves us, Eph. 5:2

Philip Surey
Architectural lettering- Worsley Science Centre

Bernard Johnson
Commemorative plaque

Anna Louise Parker
Lettering on wooden casket

Andrew Whittle
Decorative plaque- somebody spilt the beans

John Neilson
Architectural lettering- entrance to the Queen’s gallery Holyrood Palace

Thomas Sargeant

George & Dragon by Teucer Wilson

Tree stone by Teucer Wilson

Miracle by Teucer Wilson

Hop by Teucer Wilson

Lion by Teucer Wilson

RAF Bircham by Teucer Wilson

Reepham by Teucer Wilson

The Hub by Teucer Wilson

Simon Langsdale
Statue plinth

Simon Langsdale
Carved Wooden Obeisk

Simon Langsdale
Odelisk close up

Simon Langsdale
Carved Drum