Uncial alphabet by ROBYN GOLDEN-HANN

Uncial alphabet by ROBYN GOLDEN-HANN



Also known as Late Roman or Early Christian letters, Uncial scripts were originally developed by Greek and Latin scribes and flourished around 400-800 AD and quickly spread, in one form or another, across Europe and North Africa.

The alphabet is carved into a piece of Purbeck Pond Freestone, a material very similar in appearance to Portland stone but considerably harder, and which is only found in one small quarry at St Aldehelm’s Head in the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset; a most beautiful, ancient and remote location.

Purbeck Pond freestone 33 x 26 cm

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A is for Ox by Eric Marland

A is for Ox by Eric Marland

Hebrew alphabet by Eric Marland & Josh Larkum

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Greek alphabet by Eric Marland & Josh Larkum

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Berwyn slate by MARTIN COOK

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